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Training and Measurement 

Many organizational development plans end with training and measurement, as though it is an afterthought. That's not how we see it. 

Immediately following our work with your leadership team, we begin to help you identify the job-specific skills required to achieve your company's goals--in the context of the integrated leadership we've identified together. We also help you set concrete, time-bound, actionable metrics to measure progress on a regular basis. Setting expectations up front is a major factor in the success of an organizational development plan. 

Measurement shouldn't be scary or difficult, either. As human beings, we want to know "what success looks like" in the eyes of our industry, clients and employer. This allows us to align professional metrics with our personal goals. When an organizational plan is good for everyone, success increases exponentially.

Measurement tools can't stand alone, though. The tools must be part of an ongoing, real-time system of checks and balances that align to key performance indicators for individual employees, the company's success, and industry leadership.